Progress Report


Dr Bland

I had my CTS operation on the 29th July 2021.

I had a telephone therapy appointment on the 7th September. I Was told I would have another in about 4 weeks but have heard nothing more.

I no longer have any pain in my hand, which is good ! My middle finger has a almost constant pins and needles/stinging nettle tingling sensation. My index finger and ring finger are affected sometimes.

I understand full recovery can take some time but was hoping for a better outcome by this time, can you help ?


Grade 4 can be a little slow to improve, especially for sensory symptoms but there should be some progress after 3 months. I think the first thing to do is find out what has happened to surgical follow up and I'll raise that with the surgeons. I think we might then end up testing you again to make sure that nerve is showing some measurable improvement. Could you do me a favour and add a new symptom score here onthe website - go to  the home page and click the orange button that says "Add a new severity score" - which you will only see while you are logged in to the site JB


New symptom score completed as requested. Thank you


That looks as though it's going in the right direction so I suspect that this is just being slow to recover. I think it would be a good idea to check it with an objective measure - ie repeat the nerve tests - so I'll send out a new appointment. JB


Thank you very much

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