After injection, pain and numbness has returned



I had my first cortisone injection on Friday 3rd May, at Charing Health Centre. The first two weeks following the injection were very uncomfortable, but the numbness eased considerably. The numbness is coming back now and I am starting to wake up at night again. Plus I am experiencing pain and numbness in the little finger area and the wrist area, too. The pain seems to travel up the arm. It is particulary uncomfortable when driving and at night.

What do you suggest we do now?



As this was only a very slight nerve conduction abnormality to start off with I think we have to give further consideration to whether CTS is the right diagnosis, especially given a somewhat unconvincing response to injection and symptoms which are now spreading outside the territory of the median nerve, although driving and night-time symptoms remain suggestive of CTS. I will therefore get you back up to see me for further nerve conduction studies and ultrasound imaging and give the diagnosis a bit more thought. JB


I have had a letter through from teh Charing Practice, for the 2 month follow up. Should I cancel this and wait for an appointment to come from your office?


I would keep the 2-month follow-up too. It's good for the injecting GPs to see both the successes and failures and also makes doubly sure that we do not lose you. JB


I have a follow-up appointment with the GP on 16th July. I have not yet had an appointment through from your office. Am I correct in expecting one from your office?

On a seperate note, there is a pop-up which asks you to sign on to somintg to do with your website, which keeps popping up even if you cancel it. Today is the first day I saw this.


You only need the GP follow up appointment to begin with. I will pick up the trail again once I get the written report of that back from the injecting GP.

There is an update to JAVA which seems to be necessary for the website to run smoothly at present - I have to ask our developers about this so leave it with me for a day or two. JB

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