Return of symptoms


Hi Dr Bland,

I came to see you shortly after the birth of my son in June/July this year, at which point the decision regarding treatment was to see what happened.

Symptoms actually improved with only the occasional night where I would wake with numbness in either or both hands. However, they have now returned to the point where I am waking with pain in both hands and numbness/tingling is continuing throughout the day. This is starting to impinge on my job and activities such as typing, holding the baby's bottle, restraining animals (just a reminder: I am a veterinary nurse otherwise that sounds dodgy!) etc

Could you please advise me as to the next step?

Many thanks


As long as it is recognisably the same problem - ie the same symptoms as in July - then it sounds as though it is probably time to try and do something about it. It would not be unreasonable to try local steroid injection if you want a quick fix that may (or may not) turn out to be temporary and we could arrange that without testing you again I think. If you are more inclined towards surgery I would definitely test them again first so that we know where we are in terms of severity. Have a read through the pages here detailing the result of injection and surgery and perhaps do another symptom severity questionnaire from the 'My CTS' section and then let me know which way you want to go. JB


thank you so much for your prompt reply. I have tried to re-do the questionnaire, but it does not seem to be working. It asks for gender and age then takes you back to the beginning (?). I would consider a steroid injection IF it does not interfere with any subsequent surgery should that prove necessary. I would value your comments.

many thanks,



Go to the 'My CTS' Heading and look for the option to 'take a new severity score test' - it just does the last part of the questionnaire again, rather than all the stuff that is unlikely to have changed. We are just working on a paper at the moment which looks at whether prior injection prejudices the outcome of surgery in any way and it appears that it does not. JB


Hi, I have redone the severity score test and it appears that the symptoms are less than they were in May. I would definitely agree with that, as when I was pregnant night times were unbearable. However, the symptoms massively improved after giving birth, even by the time I saw you. Things have regressed, I have tingling in both hands during the day when carrying out many activities. Would you say at this point, injections would be the logical next step and if so, how are the arrangements made? Kind regards Lisa


Yes it would seem reasonable to try local steroid injection. We can do those for you on a Monday in Canterbury or we may be able to make arrangements nearer to home at a GP surgery, though that may take a little longer. JB


Canterbury on a Monday would be fine.


There is scope to do this either next Monday 9th December or the following one 16th December - anytime between 9:00 am and 12:00 noon - just let us know roughly when you are coming. It's probably a good idea to read through the FAQ list about injection too. JB


Could I please come on Monday 16th around 10.30? Many thanks


That should be fine. I'll add your name to the list in the diary. JB


Thank you

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