Progress Report


Firstly thank you so much for the injections I received in mid-July. After a month the numbness in my left hand was very much improved but not so much in my right, although better. I was sleeping very badly and my doctor signed me off work for two weeks to completely rest my hands, +10 days annual leave which helped too. The 3 wk rest really helped, I stopped taking painkillers for a few days and I even had some mornings when I woke up when my hands were not the first thing I thought of!

However now back to work and unfortunately the adaptive mouse equipment which they were supposed to order me has been delayed and I am still waiting much to my disappointment and frustration. Each hour of each day brings different levels of numbness, pain and stiffness in my fingers/ hands, makes me tired. And it is hard to keep continually trying to feel positive And keep doing things.

I am about to go on holiday to South America which was booked 18 months ago but is the last thing i feel like doing
really, and when I return mid october perhaps I could have another appointment please, maybe second injections? From w/b 20/10?

Thank you


It may be worth re-injecting before you go away - we can probably do that unless you are going in the next 48 hours. JB


Mmmm They are bearable with pain killers and the numbness at night not so bad that I do not get any sleep. So I think I can cope on holiday - they will get a rest! I am more concerned re having to face work when I come back. But perhaps the injections might work better when the hands are rested? I could come this week - I am not going till Sunday.


I think a combination of further injection followd by a restful holiday might be a good move. I'll get Emma to call you and arrange something this week. JB


Great to have a Plan - thank you. I wait to hear from Emma on my mobile.


Hello Emma
Just to let you know that a month on from the second injection in my right hand, my hands are doing really well - I cannot believe how much they feel like my hands again! No pins and needles or numbness at night wither. Long may it last - thank you. My holiday to Peru was fab.


Great news, thank you for the update. Would you say at the moment your right hand is slightly better, much better or cured? Glad you had a good trip too. EK


Hello Emma
Hope you are still there!
16 months on and my right hand is still ok CPS wise so maybe it can be judged cured - who knows - only time will tell!, but for last 2 weeks I have started to get CPS symptoms in my left hand again. Perhaps it is time for another injection?
Regards Jane Coles


We are indeed still here. After a long gap like this we should test again before re-injecting. The reason for this is that, perhaps surprisngly, very little is known about treatment with second and subsequent injections so although we do use repeated injections quite a lot in the Canterbury clinic we are quite cautious about it and try to make sure that the nerve is not becoming irrversibly damaged. I'll schedule a visit to us for a re-test and put a letter in the post (I try to not put exact appointment times in the public forum here when I don't have to) JB


Thank you Jeremy - I wait to hear. Jane


Hi Emma & Jeremy
Following the tests I had in January and injection in my left hand, I am pleased to say the numbness in left hand disappeared within 24hrs. So I have had a few weeks enjoying being totally free of any CPS. But, I am afraid to say that in the last week I have been getting numbness in my right hand. This has taken me by surprise as, at the test, it was declared there was 0 CPS in my right hand. Have you had this scenario happen to others?
Regards Jane


The right hand was last injected 23rd September 2014 when it was grade 2 so it looks as though that one has gone about 18 months before recurring. Not too surprising to have it recur I'm afraid. If you can spare the time I will re-test it as I'm curious about how closely the changes in the NCS mirror the change in symptoms and it will be interesting to see if it has changed from normal in February to abnormal in May along with the recurrence of symptoms. JB


More than happy to come for test, to satisfy your curiosity Jeremy, for the greater Research cause! Just let me know you are on my doorstep I can just pop up!!


Thankyou. I'll find a space somewhere in the next 2-3 weeks. JB

Appointment booked, letter in the post. JB


Hi Dr Bland
Have had time over the weekend to get over the shock of being offered the choice of surgery on my right hand . I have been pondering it over and am now wondering if I should just bit the bullet and get it over with this time.... Maybe the sooner the better would help with best results. You said you would find me a really good surgeon! & to ensure I can still sew! If I went for it this time what is the waiting list time for the "best surgeon" please?
Regards Jane


There are spaces on the 11th June at present - and then anytime thereafter except when we have to let our surgeons take holidays! There is no urgency for surgery here - we generally get better results operting at grade 3 than at grade to so it doesn't matter if it gets a little worse yet. You can more or less choose when it is convenient to 'bite the bullet' JB


Ok so I get the feeling from you then that my initial reaction to not rush into surgery but to have an another injection this time round is a good decision? JC


It's certainly a perfectly reasonable decision. A lot more research needs doing on treating CTS with multiple injections in order for us to be able to give a clear indication of what is the 'right' thing to do. JB

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