Post release thumb stiffness
I underwent bilateral carpal tunnel release in October (right wrist) and November (left wrist). Right thumb locks up now and is swollen at the base and around the first segment joint. Gripping is poor...even painful to hold my toothbrush, button blouses and holding small items like my earrings is almost impossible. Could this be from the release and will it get better in time? Thank you.
You were correct and it has been diagnosed as trigger thumb. I'm wondering if the earlier release (which fell under workman's compensation) contributed to this or if it's just a likely occurrence because of the carpal tunnel. I ask because surgery was suggested to release the tendon.
It looks to me as though some people have a genetic predisposition to both disorders (CTS and trigger digit) but if you read all the scientific literature you will find people trying to make the case that the surgery leads to the trigger digit - I'm just not convinced and most of my thoughts are on the relevant page of the site here. JB
Sounds suspiciously like a trigger thumb. See this page of the website. JB