wrist is red and hurts 2 days after steroid injection


I had a steroid injection in my left wrist on Monday morning this week. My wrist is hurting and is very red still 2 days after the injection. I can't seem to do much with my hand as it aggravates it. I had a steroid injection in the same wrist about 3 years ago and didn't have any problems. Should I be concerned about this, or will it eventually calm down?


That wasn't organised by me was it? - I haven't seen you since 2012 when we had the original injection perfomred by Dr Beach. I would not normally have re-injected after this long without checking the nerve conduction studies first so who did it? Did they seem to have any trouble during the procedure itself? It may just be the phenomenon known as 'steroid flare' a pain in the region of injection afterwards which can sometimes last for a few days but it's hard to tell just from a comment on the web forum. Does it feel hot to touch as well as looking red? Is there any swelling? Are you running a temperature? JB


Thank you for responding so quickly. I went to my GP at Hawkinge surgery ( Dr Rafi Kamaludeen) and he did the injection- I think he did quite a few other people whilst I was there. He did not offer to refer me back to you. The injection hurt quite a lot when he did it, which I don't remember being the case the first time when Dr Beach did it. It is red on the wrist and hot to the touch, but I don't have a temperature. The numbness/ pain etc in my hand was worse this time before the injection than it had been before the first injection.


In the first instance I think you have to go back and see him so that he can have a look at it. He can refer you back to me so that we can check the nerve conduction studies and look at the ultrasound, just in case he has injected the nerve by mistake though I don't think that is very likely from the story. Very few of the injections we do are painful 3 days later so this is definitely an unusual event. JB


I have made an appointment and will be seeing the nurse at the practice today. I will ask to be referred back to you in future, as I think this is best.


OK I would be interested to hear what they think once they have seen it. JB

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