Post Operation Update


I had operations on both hands for my CTS last July and September. Although my left hand was operated on first the site is still a little sore and I have to massage it a fair bit to relieve the pain. I assume that this is some residual scar tissue. But, the symptoms of the burning pain and numbness have all but dissapeared. However, I am now experiencing soreness in my thumb joints and any task that requires me to use my thumbs pressing down i.e. unclasping my seatbelt, etc. is very painful. Is this related to the CTS?


I seem to have lost touch with you as the last time I saw you was in April 2013 at which time both hands were reasonably free of symptoms after a second injection which I think had been done by your own GP. Obviously quite a bit has happened since if they have now been operated on - who did them? Weren't you also experimenting with C-trac?

The soreness in the thumbs is unlikely to be CTS as such but I think in some patients the operation itself, in dividing the transverse carpal ligament, can perhaps disturb the wrist joint enough to lead to later problems with the multiple small joints which make up the wrist and the thumb base. JB


Hi JB yes I had been using C-tract but I was not consistent with it. When I used it religiously the symptoms were indeed managed. But it just wasn't an practical device to use in the workplace! Anyway, I did see you before I had the operation as you recommended Mr Smith and one other consultant who are both specialist hand surgeons in Kent. It was Mr Smith who carried out the surgery. Which, as I said has been successful in that the symptoms have all but gone and I am left with the pain of the scar tissue in my left hand and regular massage of the area is helping to break this down, I am hopeful that like my right hand this area too will return to normal. However, is there anything I can do to alleviate the pain in the middle thumb joint in both hands?


I think we had a discussion about C-trac on here didn't we - I might have to go back and look for it - but I can't find any later nerve conduction tests than April 13. I would indeed have recommended Smith or Wetherell - that makes sense. Without seeing it my best guess about the thumb pain would be that it is going to be joint related and the best person to see about it is probably Mr Smith again. JB


Thank you. I will do that.

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