

I wore the splint last night and it gave me the releif i needed to have a decent night sleep , but woke up and then experienced some numbness and pain . When i took off splint had quite a lot of numbness for about 20 minutes ..Will continue to use splint but i would like to have injection before i have any surgery if possible , sorry to change my mind . So can you tell me who can do this procedure for me please .
Fiona Glover.


You can call the Surgery in Primary Care Office (number in contacts here) tomorrow to ask them to arrange a steroid injection. It sometimes takes a few days to get used to a splint - don't fasten them tightly - we are only trying to keep your wrist straight, not cut off the circulation to your fingers. Let me know what date the office come up with for injection and how it responds please - then we can decide what to do with the surgery appointment.

I will move this thread to the Canterbury patients forum tomorrow. JB

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