CTS and Dupytrons Contracture


I've got both in both hands. I am waiting for surgery on left hand which should be in July 2012. I am getting lots of stiffness
in fingers and getting worse each day. I don't know which is causing it,the CTS or Dup. I am trying to get cortisone injection for right hand but having seen three GP'S in our practice, have been given diuretics and depression tablet amitriplin. I am going to see GP again next Wednesday to try to push for injection. It's going to be a long spring and summer.


Local steroid injection, though often temporary in its effect on CTS, is a very good way of helping to sort out which problems are due to the CTS and which to the Dupuytren's. Even if no-one in the GP surgery knows how to do it it should still be possible to find an orthopaedic surgeon or rheumatologist who can manage it. I would guess the biggest difficulty is perhaps people not wanting to interfere with management that has been planned already by your surgeon. No doctor likes other people to interfere with their treatment plans, justifiably so in some cases, but my own feeling is that if my patients wish to have another opinion from someone else that is entirely reasonable. I do quite like to be told what that second opinion is though! JB

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