Homeopathic remedies?

Neil Bailey

Having told a friend about my CTS diagnosis, I get an email suggesting taking METHYLSULFONYLMETHANE (MSM) tablets..
Having looked into it, it appears these may have some benefit to those with osteoarthritis and other joint conditions, but as CTS is nerver related I personally don't see any benefit in MSM.. And I'm generally not a believer in these type of supplements. I've tried glucosamine in the past but not noticed any beneficial effects.

Any thoughts on these would be appreciated, thanks


I'm not aware of any evidence whatsoever that methysufonylmethane would be beneficial for CTS. JB


How serious is it ? I managed a mild case with nutrition, intermittent fasting, and a supplement (NMN) along with the usual : a wrist held manual device (Carpalrx), ergonomic improvements, less or no computer/phone handling etc. Still working on more rest to lessen the swelling permanently but no more numbness or tingling and the diagnosis has been downgraded to a kind of generalized 'overuse' syndrome.


Quite a lot of hand and wrist problems resolve with rest so a single case treated with multiple interventions doesn't really tell us anything useful about what actually works. 'How serious is it?' - is an interesting question and a long term obsession of mine - how do you measure the severity of a disorder like CTS? There isn't a single simple answer. JB


Unfortunately none of the interventions is sufficient in isolation but rest, proper posture/ergonomics/protective wrist wraps etc do seem to have more of an immediate and pronounced effect than anything else. Which is all I have anyway with nerve conduction and emg results that are perfectly normal.


It sounds as though you don't really have a wholly satisfactory diagnosis so the whole situation is a bit woolly. JB


Maybe, but the new braces ("comfort cool") are really helping, along with warmer weather, so I'm quite hopeful at the moment.

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