Completed Questionnaire
16 November 2020 - 6:22pm
Good evening, Dr Bland.
I received a letter from my doctors surgery, asking me to complete a questionnaire for you. I have been a previous patient with the clinic, but had to re-register, as I could not see how to complete the survey again on my previous log in.
My questionnaire ID number 222580, if this helps you locate my details.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
You complete it on the previous login by clicking "My CTS" then "My CTS record" then "Take a new severity test" we are going to change this to make it just a single click fro the home screen ut that won''t be online for a few weeks so if you could do this for me the 'old' way I'll delete the new account. It confuses the computers if there are two of you :-) JB