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Laura Motte-Styles

Hi, had my right wrist operated on in February and waiting for left. Upon diagnosis and agreement to operate on both left first the right wrist had a steroid injection. On the day of surgery I changed and had right wrist operated on as it was worse at the time.
Can you let me know how I can have either a steroid injection or left surgery as I was told it would be about 6 weeks after the first.
Updated questionnaire too.


We arranged that surgery in secondary care so you are in the hands of the surgical department administrators so far as booking the second operation is concerned. It is not unknown for people to drop off the waiting list for second operations so it might be worth chasing them to see that it is in progress. I presume that the first hand has repondeed well to surgery.

We can inject the unoperated hand again if you wish while waiting - the clinic is usually running Monday to Thursday?

I've deleted the suplicate postings in the general forum

Regards, Jeremy Bland

Laura Motte-Styles

Thankyou, how do I contact them please?
Hand is doing good, lost a little movement, can't touch little finger with thumb, minimal pain now too.


I'll reply by email. Adam might not want his contact details on here. JB

Laura Motte-Styles

Thanks so much.
This is a fantastic service.

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