worsening symptoms


Dear Dr Bland
My carpal tunnel symptoms have returned and are worsening particularly at night.
I have completed an updated serverity form .
Please may I be put on your list for a consultation ?
Many thanks Cazw


I'll sort it out this weekend. JB


Thank you so much


Appointment booked and letter in the post. JB


look forward to receiving it thankyou again


Update as promised

Following my injection on the 9th August I'm very pleased to report all the severe pain has subsided .
After a few days I was able to sleep without the splint, I have been hanging on before I gave an update because I do still have mild numbness/tingling in my thumb, forefinger & middlefinger, I have been hoping this will also mend ? but by comparrison it is so much better . Many thanks once again for the prompt treatment recieved as always


After this long I would not expect to see any further improvement in a grade 4 CTS as a result of the injection in August so if the residual symptoms are troublesome enough to be worth treating the optios would be to either to try a further injection in the hope that a second dose in quick succession would have a greater effect, or else to give up and operate on it. There is not much evidence to say which is better, though of course most surgeons would say you should operate on it. If you could add a new severity score here that would help me to see just how much the symptoms have improved (utton the home page while you are logged in - Add a new severity score). JB

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