Carpal tunnel questionnaire


You have completed the questionnaire and can see your diagnosis below.
You can also take a new severity test at any time.

Chances of CTS: 80%

We have evaluated your questionnaire answers using two different mathematical methods to arrive at estimates of how likely it is that you have carpal tunnel syndrome. Usually the figures are in fairly close agreement but we have given you only the higher figure above, erring on the side of over-diagnosing CTS. Below you will find your severity scores for each hand separately. A score of 5 indicates the worst possible symptoms and a score of 1 indicates no symptoms.

Symptom severity score:
left: 3.6
right: 4.2

Functional impairment score:
left: 1.5
right: 1.8

Please make a note of your questionnaire id number: 227937

People living in East Kent, UK should notify the carpal tunnel clinic that they have completed a questionnaire by email - click the button below

Printable report

Please check this box to confirm you are a resident of East Kent, UK

Please, add your email address


Ideally you should email me to let me know you have done this. It does sound as though you have CTS and you will need to email me your details so that I can set up an appointment - assuming you do live in my catchment area (you have posted this in the general, worldwide, forum rather than the one for East Kent patients). Please read the patient information page for full details. JB

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