Request for operation


I have now had a month since my last appointment and feel the only option i have to relieve the problem is an operation.
What should my next course of action be and how long should i expect to wait?


We are currently booking surgery about 8-10 weeks ahead. The previous marked response to injection should predict a good response to surgery too so it's probably quite a good bet, though nothing in life is certain. We could also consider a further injection while in the queue for surgery if symptoms are very severe. JB


With my reaction to the injection being very severe cramp in my lower leg, I will just have to wait for the date fot the operation. will I just receive a letter from the clinic? RG


I would suspect that the cramp was coincidence - did it happen with both injections and only to one leg?. I will need to book a slot for surgery for you - I presume Herne Bay will be OK, in which case I will try to find a date for you tomorrow and send out a letter with dates/times. JB


Booked for April - appointment letter should go out in tomorrow's post. JB


I received the letter for the appointment today with the pre op visit 30 minutes before the operation! Also no details included in the letter about surgery so I will look on the website.
Regarding the cramp,I am convinced this was not a coincidencec as I discussed with you at my consultation. It was in both legs, very severe and happened after both injections. When it happened after the first injection I told Dr Ribchester and we both agreed if it happened the second time, as severe and within the same time scale, it would not be a coincidence. It happened exactly the same way! I wuold like to know if anyone else reacted like this.


I am not aware of any other description of leg cramps after steroid injection at the wrist, either in the literature or from my own patients so you appear to be unique so far. I had a lady this week who described peeling of the skin over the backs of the hands, as after sunburn, following her injection - again something I have never heard described before -  so you do get these one-off descriptions of odd things happening. In your case it seems to have happened twice so at least it seems to be reproducible but it's still very hard to to provide a physiological/anatomical explanation.

We have stopped sending out the operation information sheet - everything that was in it and more is on the website under information for Kent patients.

We usually schedule the pre-op 2 weeks before surgery but circumstances sometimes dictate that we do it immediately before operation. JB

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