Tingling, numbness and pins & needles
Hi, I was wondering if anyone else just had constant tingling, numbness and pins & needles, but no definite pain? I am not convinced that my symptoms are related to CTS. Also I have a splint to wear at night, but am unable to wear it as it makes my symptoms worse. Also my Doctor didn't tell me how long to use the splint before I return to see him. Thanks
I have pins and needles and numbness, however, my Doctor has also said I have ''Tennis Elbow'' in the same arm, which is where all the pain comes from. Do you think the two are connected and what can I do to get rid of the ''Tennis Elbow''
There is no definite link between tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and CTS but both are quite common disorders to inevitably they co-exist by chance sometimes. With tennis elbow there should be a a fairly localised tender spot at the lateral side of the elbow/proximal forearm. This will sometimes respond to rest and sometimes needs steroid injection. Physiotherapy, various splints and braces, anti-inflammatory medications and hot/cold compress are also used but I'm not sure of the quality of the evidence supporting them - it's not my particular area of interest I'm afraid. JB
It is actually commoner to just get numbness and tingling than to get pain in the early stages of CTS, though a few patients do get pain as an early feature. 4 weeks of night time wear should be long enough to tell whether a splint is going to have a significant effect or not. They sometimes take a few nights of practice to get used to so don't give up too easily on those - are they fitted correctly? JB